
The Travel Within: 印度小故事2─Shakti

Spiritual practices, another kind of high

Shakti, 23, USA

Shakti擁有帶西方感的亞洲面孔。Shakti has a Western and Asian mix profile.
Shakti, is a half -American, half -Japanese 23 years old young lady, who quite represents the young visitors in the ashram.  Here is a little time spent with her, understanding what young visitors are feeling; what their hopes and aspirations are, both from within themselves and the world they live in.

It was four in the afternoon, Shakti had just queued for the free Indian tea, chai, provided by the ashram and sat with me in an area outside of the Western canteen.  There was grass around and the sweet ashram cows were grazing.  Since long had I been paying attention to this girl.  Her mixed heritage features did seem interesting, but more so her angel-like feeling of purity.  If it were not for this interview, I never thought I would be chatting with her so deeply.

Ashram裡每天均會免費供應印度奶茶,ChaiFree Indian mike tea, Chai is provided for free in the ashram everyday.
Seeing her staying in the ashram at such a young age really aroused my curiosity.  ‘My parents came to know Amma when Amma was doing the US hugging tour in California 26 years ago.’ Shakti said.   ‘At that time, my parents were desperate to have a child, but they failed.  So they turned to Amma for help.  After receiving her blessing, I was born two years later.’

縱然Shakti在美國土生土長,可是她卻有別於一般美國年青人。與她在一起時,我感覺到一股十分安靜平及恩典感。總是笑容滿面的她,喝了一口Chai,對我微微笑著,續說:「我們住在Amma美國加洲的AshramSan Ramon附近,故從少到大,我也在Amma所散發的愛的氛圍中成長。而Ashram裡的訪客,也都成了我的兄弟姐妹,所以無論我往哪一個方向看,也總有一個模範可讓我跟從。」她頓一頓後說:「這正是現今社會缺少的──一個可讓年青人參考的模範。」
Although she was born and raised in the US, she was apparently different from most of the American youngsters.  Spending time with her I got a feeling of calm, peace and of grace.   She was also ever smiling.  Taking a sip of her chai she smilingly told me, ‘we live very close to the Amma’s ashram in San Ramon, California, so I grew up in a loving ambience surrounded by spiritually-minded community.   They are like my brothers and sisters.  Wherever I look for support, there is a role model for me to follow.’ She paused and then said, ‘This is exactly what modern society lacks of – a role model for young people.’

I remember when I was just graduated and in my early twenties, I was very ignorant of the world and didn’t know what my life purpose was.  On the contrary, growing up in such a spiritual community, Shakti who just graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English literature already knew how to live her life.  ‘Many of my American classmates have already started to develop their careers, whereas, my focus is to help others and serve society.  I feel very strongly that whatever I decide to do must have that driving purpose.’

Though Shakti was small, she had a big dream, ‘People in the world have no focus, they are caught up in the materialistic world.  They earn money just to have the lifestyles that they want.  They’re partying, living for pleasure.  There is nothing wrong with wanting material success and of course everyone needs to earn a living.  However, living only for that end seems empty.  Even people with “everything” can feel dissatisfied.  Thanks to my upbringing, I am more aware of a greater purpose of life.    And I have Amma.  So I don’t need that.  It is a different “High”.  My dream is to serve the world.’

其實在Amma印度的Ashram裡,Shakti亦獲得不少鍛鍊意志的機會。例如她的SevaSelfless Service,無私服務,每個訪客也被要求在Ashram裡每天擔任兩個小時義務工作)是在西餐廳廚房裡弄早餐,看似簡單的工作,卻包含了不少重要課堂。她側側頭,從回憶裡翻出一個例子說:「某天早上,竟然有二十個學生(Ashram裡也Amma所開辦的大學之學生宿舍)同一時間點了烘多士!他們未必會明白我們只是訪客,不是職業廚師,故我當時壓力十分大。」她燦爛地笑著,就像想通了一件事地說:「不過我一直緊記著Amma的教誨,也想起了Amma在節日時也長時間地向群眾派發食物,並確保每個訪客均已獲得食物,她自己才會進食。因此我當時學會只去看每一個人也有的神性一面,並明白到這些學生的出現是要來訓練我的耐性!」
In fact, there were many mental training opportunities for Shakti in the ashram.  For example, her Seva (ie.  Selfless service, each visitor is asked to volunteer for two hours a day) was making breakfast in the western canteen.  It looks like an easy job, but there are many lessons behind.  She cocked her head and got an example from her memories, ‘On one morning, there were 20 students (there are hostels in the ashram which accommodate students from Amma’s university nearby) who ordered toast at the same time! They didn’t understand that we were just visitors, not professional chefs, so it was a very stressful situation at that time.’ She was smiling brightly and then she told me her realization, ‘I always try to remember Amma’s teachings and thought of Amma serving food to the public every week, making sure each and every visitor has a plate before she will touch her own food.  So I learnt to see the divinity of everyone and I realized that all the students were sent to train my patience!’

Shakti其中一項Seva就是在西餐廳裡弄早餐。One of the seva Shakti had was to make breakfast in the Western café.
She got another seva in the afternoon, distributing token to visitors who wanted to get a hug from Amma.  As I saw and sometimes heard complaining from my friends about the token person, I knew it was quite a challenging job, because the person had to deal with different needs from people all over the world.  Shakti said, ‘15 or 20 years ago, here were much fewer people and when I was a child I got hugs twice a day (now it is usually once a week).  We didn’t even have tokens in the old days.   Everything changes.   Sometimes people have difficulty adjusting to the new system.  People don’t understand that this system is in place for their benefit.   Imagine if the thousands of people that come to see Amma all tried to queue at the same time.  It would be chaos.  I have to understand, be compassionate.  But I also have to have firm discrimination.’

I believed there were many occasions that she had to deal with difficult visitors.  She nodded and said, ‘If someone is really sad, I tell them they can sit on stage (near Amma).  Even then, people can get upset.  I don’t like an argument, so I step back, dont take it personally, try not to be offended.  When people get angry with me, mostly I understand, it is coming out from their own frustration.  I still have a choice not to take it personally.  Do they have legitimate reasons? Use my own discrimination.  I always listen to their stories.  I try to be compassionate and loving to them.  Amma is my example.  She never reacts, only responds.  She has only love and compassion for everyone that comes to her.  ’

She surprised me there.  Her willingness to step into other’s shoes.  It is not often, that we find young people responding so compassionately to situations, especially since we are more ego-driven in the younger years.   Immediately, there was another shift in my feeling towards her, as I saw her in a newer light.  That beneath all this aura of peace, was sound spiritual understanding and practice. 

Shakti另一項Seva就是負責派發Amma的擁抱籌號,這項工作需要無比的耐心和慈悲心。Another Seva Shakti had was to distribute token for Amma’s hug, this seva required lots of patience and compassion.
Shakti then went on to tell me about valuable life experiences and lessons she learnt while serving on the mammoth US hugging tour that Amma undertakes every year.  

She recalled an incident happening in the hugging tour in 2011, 'the tour is a bit like a traveling circus – including a rather large setup that normally takes several hours (the tour usually stops in one city for 3 days).  Due to some logistical issues, we had to twice set up, pack up, and then set up again in less than 24 hours.  Both New York and Boston could not get their regular venues for the first day of the programs.  So they arranged for temporary locations just for a day before returning to the other site.  Essentially, we arrived around 6am, having just got in the night before from the previous city, and set up, and then around 11pm, we packed up, only to have to set up again the following morning.  While we may have griped a little bit before getting there, once everyone was there, we just buckled down to the work.  And you know what? It made us appreciate the second venue so much more.  More space! More light! We don’t have to pack up for another few days!'

There is always some sweet in the bitter.   If one has not met any adversity, how could you know that you were taking everything you had for granted.   Just like Shakti said, 'If only we kept that attitude when living in the world.  People like to complain but really we are incredibly lucky.  Optimism is a choice, and it makes life much sweeter.'

Tour not only brought optimism to her life, but also challenges everyone's perceived limitations.   Most people would probably consider working long hours with little leisure time and lengthy bus trips not particularly enjoyable.  But volunteers in the hugging tour were famous for their high energy and loving attitude, so why? Shakti explained, 'Instead the people traveling with Amma absorb her indefatigable example.'

Shakti believed that the hugging tour experiences made a difference on her spiritual path, she said, 'Tour shifts your whole perspective.  Normally challenging situations become immaterial.   It gives me an opportunity to work with all different kinds of people – from all over the world, with vastly different backgrounds, and experiences, and personalities.   Over time you are forced to recognize and change your own flaws and better understand people who work differently from you.  We not only overcome differences, but also develop real closeness in the interest of pursuing a common goal of service.  It’s amazing what you can accomplish when everyone is dedicated and willing.'

Since Shakti had known Amma even before she was born and she is closely linked to spirituality throughout this 23 years of life, I wondered if she wanted to become a long term resident or a renunciate in the ashram.  Although she was young, she knew her path very well, ‘I would be happy if I could just be close to Amma.  I am not a renunicate, my life is based in the world, but I hope never to become attached to it.' I was going to ask about her plan after graduation, but didn’t on a second thought.  She got it and blinked at me, ‘I just want to live in present moment.’

Ashram裡飼養了一頭神聖的大象,她平易近人,最喜歡從訪客手上拿香蕉吃。A holy elephant was kept in the Ashram, she was very friendly and used to take banana from visitor’s hand.
I thought at that time, if all the youngsters knew even a twinkling of their life purpose and actively pursued their dreams, how refreshing and how kind this world would be!  

The Travel Within:印度小故事1──Amma

After leaving Berlin, I came back to the Ashram of my guru in South India.  Every time I landed on India, I got the feeling of being at home.  This Ashram is even like a big family for me.  In fact, what is this Ashram look like?  Let me briefly introduce the operation of this Ashram (it is also an international humanitarian organization).

在南印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)Amma AshramAmma Ashram is located within Kerala in South India.
Amma這個位於茂密椰子林中的Ashram名為Amritapuriwww.amritapuri.org),乃一個名為Embracing the Worldwww.embracingtheworld.org)的慈善組織之總部,這裡住了印度和外國的住客共三千人,而每年也有成千上萬的訪客到訪,希望在此進行個人靈性修行及提供義工服務。
Amma Ashram is among a lush coconut forest, and the Ashram name is called Amritapuriwww.amritapuri.org, and it is also the headquarter of an international charitable organization called Embracing the World.  There are about 3000 Indian and international residents in the ashram, and it has also over tens of thousands visitors every year, aiming at doing spiritual practices and volunteering.

AshramBackwaters方向看的日出美景。From the Ashram, one can see a beautiful sunrise over the Backwaters.
有別於一般國際性慈善機構,Embracing the World的大部份工作,包括行政部門,也是由世界各地的義工擔任。Ashram給予世人的印象通常是十分嚴格,前來的人一般十分成熟。有別於此,Amritapuri中一個十分明顯的現象是來這裡作短暫生活的人大部份也十分年青,甚至還有不少年青家庭帶著還在學步的兒女來訪,是以這裡的氣氛也相對輕鬆。
Unlike most of the international charitable organization, most of the departments in ETW, including administration, are run by volunteers from all over the world.  Usually, the impression of an ashram to others is very strict and visitors are always very mature.  However, it is very obvious that most of the people who come to stay at Amritapuri are very young, there are even many families who brought along their young children.  As a result, the atmosphere here is relatively more relaxed.
What drive me back here again and again?  What attract people from all over the world with different ages and backgrounds to here?  As I was also curious about the second question, so I decided to talk with some of the Ashram people, in order to find out more interesting and inspirational stories.

Before telling their stories, let me first introduce who is Amma.

She has a wish:

Everyone in the world should sleep without fear,
At least for one night;

Everyone in the world should eat to their fill,
At least for one day;   

There should be one day when there is no violence,
No one is injured, no one is harmed;

All people young and old, should serve the poor and needy,
At least for one day serve selflessly;

This is my dream, this is my prayer,

Love is the answer, love is the way.

Amma has embraced over 31 million people in the past 36 years.  She dedicates literally every day of Her life to consoling suffering people all over the world.  Just like what she always says, ‘I want My life to be like an incense stick that burns itself out giving fragrance to the world. I want to breathe My last while wiping somebody’s tears and consoling them on My shoulder.’  She has been known to give darshan for over 22 hours without interruption.

正在給予擁抱的AmmaAmma who is hugging others.
Embracing the World就是在Amma無分疆界、種族、社會地位和宗教的慈愛下衍生出的一個全球人道倡議網絡。其工作範疇包括救災、教育、醫療、環保等。如年前發生之日本海嘯,他們便是最早派出第一隊救援隊伍的人道機構,他們也捐出七百八十萬港元予受災最嚴重的宮城縣作為兒童福利和教育基金。
Amma’s boundless compassion, regardless of people’s ethnicity, social status, or religion, has taken the form of a growing international network of humanitarian initiatives known collectively as Embracing the World(ETW).  Its work includes disaster relief, education, health care and environmental protection etc.  For example in the Japan tsunami a few years ago, ETW was the first group of organization to send its volunteers to the affected areas.  ETW also donated one million USD to one of the most devasted area Miyagi to set up a Children Well-being and Education Funds.

The travel within:萬花筒裡的世界



一個星期前與朋友逛位於Potsdamer Plaz的聖誕市場時,雪花紛飛下,即使只逛了一個多小時,雙腳也已凍僵。現在與朋友擺攤位,可要在冰天雪地的室外待上10個小時!怎麼辦?朋友叮囑我穿上一層又一層的衣服,厚衞衣也穿了三件,數數看,竟穿了七層衣服!雙臂也厚重得如機械人般不甚靈活。袜子也穿了四對,再加了為柏林而買的毛靴,竟然仍然覺得冷!



事實上,最有趣的不是他賣的東西,而是與他的對話。他的攤檔掛了數幅於佛教和印度教中相當普遍使用的神聖幾何對稱圖案──曼陀羅(Mandala)和Yatra ,在他點醒下,我才發現萬花筒裡的影像跟曼陀羅很相似。


我也發現,當我被萬花筒漂亮的影像迷倒時,頭腦 就像打坐般集中和專一。


然後,我在網上搜尋到一些有關萬花筒與意識(Consciousness)的有趣資料。萬花筒的中心就好比是你的頭腦(Mind),因此若你只用頭腦 思考和作決定,你往往看不到整個畫面,而只能看到萬花筒裡片面的影像。但意識就好比我們縱觀整個萬花筒的影像一樣,我們能看到全面的構圖、變化、顏色、以及那被創造出來之漂亮無暇影像。

我們的頭腦 喜歡控制,希望事情的發生會一如我們預期,經過一輪分析思考後,我們的頭腦 以為自己的決定最捧,也以為自己知道甚麼是最佳的選擇。但由於頭腦 只是片面的,故事實上往往不能作出「最佳」的抉擇。

相反,若你聽從內心的呼喚,放棄頭腦 的控制,順著生命的水流(這就如縱觀萬花筒的意識般全面)而活,那就能如萬花筒展現它的斑斕般,真正活出生命的美麗和最高意義。

The Travel Within: 萬人擁抱


30年前起,她已開始巡迴歐美,故每年1011月,她均會到訪歐洲約10個城市,於每個地方舉行為期三日的擁抱大會。參加的群眾往往成千上萬,由於Amma旗下亦有一個龐大的人道救援組織Embracing The Worldhttp://www.embracingtheworld.org/),因此所有擁抱團的工作人員也都是義工。去年,我是整個團的隨團義工,由於很喜歡歐洲團的氣氛和團裡的人,卻又沒有時間再作整個團的義工,今年便只挑了其中兩個站當駐站義工。

擁抱大會的會場往往十分龐大,加上每日人流逾千,因此需要大量義工在各個範疇幫忙,如飲食(全場只售賣素食)、清潔、維持秩序、銷售等。所有收入所得,均會撥到Embracing The World作災難救援、教育、醫療等多方面。


其實擁抱大會是怎樣的呢?這邊廂,Amma會作馬拉松式的擁抱,那邊廂會有當地人在表演各式各樣民族特色(當地或印度的也有)的舞蹈和樂器,另一邊廂,在等候的人也可在西式或印度餐廳用膳、在精品店裡逛逛又或觀看Embracing The World的展覽等。具體情況實在難以形容,不如看看這段意大利的新聞短片吧:



標題大意是:「三萬人排隊拿取擁抱,Amma的擁抱為人帶來祥和與喜樂,無論是陌生人還是認識她的人,每人也獲得20秒的擁抱。」最有趣的是該報道同時也比較了在不同範疇中知名的擁抱,包括在藝術(十九世紀法國藝術家奧古斯特‧羅丹 出名的雕像,The Kiss)、體育(200679日意大利足球隊成為世界冠軍)和政治(2012117日,奧巴馬與妻子)。




17.11.2012 The Travel Within:塞翁失馬,焉知非福

在歐洲,如果要節省交通費,有一種非常方便、便宜又環保的方法,就是Car Poolinghttp://www.carpooling.co.uk/。即與其他不認識但同路的人協議好會面地點和時間乘同一輛私家車,然後一同承擔汽油費用。首次在德國試用這種旅遊方法,經歷卻十分奇妙。

我要由柏林前往距離有7小時車程,在南方的曼海娒(Mannheim)。可是卻發現火車票十分昂貴,大約為100歐元,也沒有飛機直達。想起朋友說過他Car Pooling的正面經驗,便到網站查閱,發現若與其餘34名乘客分乘同一輛私家車,費用只不過是3545歐元!於是在出發一個星期前便致電其中一名徵集其他乘客的德國人查詢,不同的是,他持有一張團體火車票,而非自駕私家車。我跟他說好了,並承諾一星期後在火車站碰面交收火車票。




由於已對Car Pooling留下一個十分差勁的印象,覺得那些車主甚為不可靠,因此當我回到朋友的家後,便改為上網查詢十分準時的火車時間表。一如所料,火車票價錢高達120歐羅,在我猶豫之際,我突然看到一個搜尋「local train」的按鈕。一按之下,竟找到價錢只不過是42歐羅的火車票!不過,由於這是接駁不同local train的火車票,因此我要轉車達7次之多,而整個行程也由7個小時延長至12個小時!火車即將於一個半小時後出發,我沒有多猶豫,立即用信用卡買了票便再挑上行囊衝出大門。



從前的我,可能只會對那些不負責任的Car Pooling車主咒罵一輪,而不會思考這些事情發生的背後含意。不過發生這次事件之際,我卻十分覺醒,並發現這次經歷是生命給我的一份禮物。因為通過實際的經驗,我深刻地明白到我要更懂得隨遇而安,接受所有不同的處境及處之泰然。我也要時刻保持開放的態度和彈性,而不可以被既定的想法侷限。

我花了12個小時,跑到名不經傳的曼海娒,搞甚麼東東呢?就是要見我印度的靈性導師Amma,參與她的千人「擁抱大會」,我會在下一篇文章繼續分享我這趟歐洲的The travel within