After leaving
Berlin, I came back to the Ashram of my guru in South India. Every time I landed on India, I got the
feeling of being at home. This Ashram is
even like a big family for me. In fact,
what is this Ashram look like? Let me
briefly introduce the operation of this
Ashram (it is also an international humanitarian organization).
Ashram。Amma Ashram is located within Kerala in South
Amma這個位於茂密椰子林中的Ashram名為Amritapuri(www.amritapuri.org),乃一個名為Embracing the World(www.embracingtheworld.org)的慈善組織之總部,這裡住了印度和外國的住客共三千人,而每年也有成千上萬的訪客到訪,希望在此進行個人靈性修行及提供義工服務。
Amma Ashram is
among a lush coconut forest, and the Ashram name is called Amritapuri(www.amritapuri.org), and it is also the headquarter of an
international charitable organization called Embracing the World. There are about 3000 Indian and international
residents in the ashram, and it has also over tens of thousands visitors every
year, aiming at doing spiritual practices and volunteering.
從Ashram往Backwaters方向看的日出美景。From the Ashram, one can see a beautiful sunrise over the Backwaters. |
有別於一般國際性慈善機構,Embracing the World的大部份工作,包括行政部門,也是由世界各地的義工擔任。Ashram給予世人的印象通常是十分嚴格,前來的人一般十分成熟。有別於此,Amritapuri中一個十分明顯的現象是來這裡作短暫生活的人大部份也十分年青,甚至還有不少年青家庭帶著還在學步的兒女來訪,是以這裡的氣氛也相對輕鬆。
Unlike most of the
international charitable organization, most of the departments in ETW,
including administration, are run by volunteers from all over the world. Usually, the impression of an ashram to others
is very strict and visitors are always very mature. However, it is very obvious that most of the
people who come to stay at Amritapuri are very young, there are even many
families who brought along their young children. As a result, the atmosphere here is
relatively more relaxed.
What drive me back
here again and again? What attract
people from all over the world with different ages and backgrounds to
here? As I was also curious about the
second question, so I decided to talk with some of the Ashram people, in order
to find out more interesting and inspirational stories.
Before telling
their stories, let me first introduce who is Amma.
She has a wish:
Everyone in the
world should sleep without fear,
At least for one
Everyone in the
world should eat to their fill,
At least for one
There should be one
day when there is no violence,
No one is injured,
no one is harmed;
All people young
and old, should serve the poor and needy,
At least for one
day serve selflessly;
This is my dream,
this is my prayer,
Love is the answer,
love is the way.
Amma has embraced
over 31 million people in the past 36 years.
She dedicates literally every day of Her life to consoling suffering
people all over the world. Just like
what she always says, ‘I want My life to be like an incense stick that burns
itself out giving fragrance to the world. I want to breathe My last while
wiping somebody’s tears and consoling them on My shoulder.’ She has been known to give darshan for over
22 hours without interruption.
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正在給予擁抱的Amma。Amma who is hugging others. |
Embracing the World就是在Amma無分疆界、種族、社會地位和宗教的慈愛下衍生出的一個全球人道倡議網絡。其工作範疇包括救災、教育、醫療、環保等。如年前發生之日本海嘯,他們便是最早派出第一隊救援隊伍的人道機構,他們也捐出七百八十萬港元予受災最嚴重的宮城縣作為兒童福利和教育基金。
Amma’s boundless
compassion, regardless of people’s ethnicity, social status, or religion, has
taken the form of a growing international network of humanitarian initiatives
known collectively as Embracing the World(ETW).
Its work includes disaster relief, education, health care and
environmental protection etc. For
example in the Japan tsunami a few years ago, ETW was the first group of
organization to send its volunteers to the affected areas. ETW also donated one million USD to one of
the most devasted area Miyagi to set up a Children Well-being and Education