It was a very sunny day. As Chur is in the valley, the weather is usually much warmer than Basel. Luckily, I could escape from the coldness in Basel!
View from the train.
It was not my first time to take the train in Switzerland. And I also experienced so many train journeys in India. But once I was in this developed and organized country, I was totally disarmed and I made a mistake that I never made.
When I was sitting in the train, I thought,'Um, the train in Switzerland is such a extreme against India. Here is clean and quiet and almost no passenger!' I sat comfortably for one hour. When the train approached Zurich, the ticket officer came to check my ticket, I handed it to him indifferently.
Then he looked at me over his glasses and asked,'Have you ever heard of the difference between 1st and 2nd class?'
I immediately sensed the mistake while I was opening my mouth widely and said, 'No!' I didn't mean I had never heard about it. Acutally, I meant, 'Oh no, stupid me!'
He still looked at me without any emotion and said, 'In fact, you need to buy a 1st class ticket if you want to sit here, but unfortunately your ticket is a 2nd class one.' Then he gave me back my ticket and asked me to go to the other coach.
What a shame! I thought. But when I went to the 2nd class, I didn't notice the difference between them. It was still quiet and clean and comfortable and also with AC. Thinking about the chaotic sence of the 2nd class train in India. I thought, it was difficult to blame me for this mistake:p
Susanna and H.Peter had constructed a new terrace last year. When I came last time, it was not yet finished. This year they accomodated me in the new guest room on the terrace.
It was like the 'executive suite' of a 5-stars hotel which had a wonderful view over the mountanin and the whole valley.
Because of the glass, the terrace was exceptionally warm in this cool weather. I felt like in the early summer.
I love the different shades of the green in Switzerland.
I love cats. And there are five cats in this house! The cutiest one is Tommy! He doesn't look like 17years old, right?
Oh, my sweetie, why are you so happy?
Actually, his eyes were fixed upon this Swiss speciality. And he licked all the cream from my fingers!
Tommy, what are you thinking?
He was arousing attention when Susanna was sending text message to Ursina.
On the other hand, Tommy's sister, Jeanie had secretly hidden under the chair in the sitting room.
The cats had really brightens my days up.
When we were heading to the mountain hut in Emserberg moutnain, Tommy came to farewell us.
It was quite incredible that I came to this magical little hut again, after almost exactly one year!
And I did the same thing as last year - BBQ!
However, there were still a little bit differences. Last year, I came with Ursina and Fabrizio, this time with Ursina's parents; last year, we did the BBQ outdoor, indoor this time. Last year, I could see the snow mountains surrounding the house, this year I could only see a heavy layer of fog.
When the fog was gone, we went for a little walk. It was incredibly cold here, such a big contrast to the warm terrace! Actually, during this period, Europe was abnormally cold. It was the same even in Italy, eg, the time being should be early spring season, but the temperature was still like in winter.
Luckily, we found some blossoming around. They told us it was indeed spring time.
There was another kind of beauty in the fog.
Thanks very much for Susanna and H.Peter, they are very sweet and funny. I felt they were more like my friends than parents. Susanna always cooked delicious food for me, thanks for the asparagus and the home-made sauce, they were excellent! H.Peter was also putting a lot of effort in speaking English with me, thanks so much and thanks for the small flowers:)
Susanna also brought me to a local concert, where a Swiss girl, Elisabeth Sulser performed different kinds of flutes, including the horn of a cow (unluckily, I don't know the proper name of this musical instrument). I had never imagined that flutes could produce such a big varieties of sound. Morover, when the flutes were mixing with the harmonium (with a funny player), the music was amazingly pleasant. I liked this concert a lot and it really boarden my 'narrow music horizon'!
Thanks for all the things!
1 則留言:
hello,你好. 羨慕你的遊歷!
我也打算到南美去一段時間,讀點西班牙文, 想向你請教一下. 可以emial 聯絡嗎?