Fully packed with clothes, food, luggages and other preparation materials for the wedding, Carla (Fabrizio's sister) drove Ursina, Saskia and me to the town Neuchatel the day before the wedding. We would check in a 'hostel' there and spend Ursina's last night to be single.
I had been to the lake Neuchatel last year on which we were sailing. But I never knew the town Neuchatel. It is small, but still lively and modern, kind of mixing the feeling of quaint village and a busy town.
The downtown area.
One can easily turn into the alley and escape from the busy area.
There are plenty of old houses.
Ursina and I walked to the high point of the town, from where we could have a overview of this beautiful place with the lake behind. At the same time, we were so happy that the sun finally came out from the clouds.
After meeting Ursina's sister, Andrea and Regula, we went for a creperia to have dinner. A restaurant where only sells crepe!
We greedily thought we could eat three crepes, but after the second one, I was completely K.O. Look at my crepe! It was full of delicious cream!
We carried our big stomachs to the hostel nearby. An old building also.
Inside is quite modern.
There is a swimming pool also! Unluckily, it was too cold to jump to it.
Our beautiful and cozy room.
Once we arrived, we immediately hanged out our clothes. Which is mine?
Not many people know this German game, Settler of Cantan. But I was lucky enough to learnt it in Colombia and I was totally addicted to it. And it is one of Ursina's favourite game also! So we had a six people battle this night.
Buying brick, selling sheep, building settlements, exploring the new island, the winner finally came after about two hours of struggling. You can see who was this from her contrasting smiling face...
Then we played another game, which is called 'Activity' in German. But in HK, it was quite popular in the TV show game, which is called, 'The Big TV'. Though I had some difficulties in adjusting to it because the game is based in German, we still had many funny moments.
That was Ursina's last night before marriage. I like it very much as I also don't prefer to see something like a half-naked man jumping out from the big box, dancing around all the ladies...
Actually, a beautiful day was waiting for us to get up early and experience it!
A super beautiful morning on the wedding day.
View from the hostel.