Its combination of pink, blue, white and brown are in such a harmony which impressed me a lot.
The flamingos almost merged themselves completely into the lake.
Every day of my journey was just like a dream.
They are another species of flamingos. Note the colour of their feather.
Magic hour in Laguna Colorada. I have never seen pink magic hour before.
Incredibly beautiful.
Struggling out of the warm bed into the icy cold morning, the beautiful sunrise over the lake was already waiting for me.
Around the region of Laguna Colorada, there are geysers which give out sulphur. They looked ugly and dangerous.
The devil feel geysers - Sol de Manana (5000m).
I remembered the morning before I jumped to this 38 degree hot spring was freezing, maybe it was minus 10 degree.
The most splendid view one can ever get in front of a hot spring.
I thought of a delicious cheese cake when I saw this weird mountain.
Driving almost to the meeting point the three countries, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, we finally approached the last wonder we would see in this journey.
Laguna Verde, with the backdrop of the 5935m Volcan Licancabur.
Getting closer. The colours of the green lake and the blue sky were incredibly unreal.
4WD coming from the direction of Chile.
Salar de Uyuni is the first place and the only one that I desperately want to go back again. During the wet season, while the salt lake is filled with around a few centimeters of rain water, the originally salt crust just turns itself into a gigantic mirror, reflecting the volcanoes, blue sky, white cloud or even the sunset and magic hour.
Just imagining this picture is already very excited for me, how come I could missed the wet season when I went there?
I know my dream for Uyuni is not yet coming to an end...