Hitting the road again. I never felt bored during the trip as the scenery was so fascinating. And I was lucky to group in with some fantastic travellers who were very lively and creative.
The handsome vicunas on the road.
A quaint town on the road.
I like the contrast of the colours.
A smoky volcano, Volcan Ollague(5865m). Can you see the smoke at the left hand corner of the volcano?
It is definitely another planet?!
After seeing all the volcanos and the strange landscape, we were heading towards the 4 lakes districts where was the breeding grounds of 3 species South American Flamingos.
When I first saw the flamingos hanging around the blue lake, with a backdrop of beautiful mountains, I could not believe what I saw was true.
The graceful pink flamingos.
A heavan-like feel.
A different species of flamingos, note their beaks.
Further south, after crossing the 4 lakes district, we came to the arid and windy Siloli desert where stand the many strange looking rock.
The most famous one, Arbol de Peidra (means tree rock). I think it is similar to the Queen Head in Taiwan.
Another angle.
A stapler.
A robot.
The side of a big bear.