Before I introduce any typical ruins in Rome which you can find in any magazines or books, I think it will be interesting to see the other side of Rome by watching its gay parade in the city centre.
For me, it was also a wonderful opportunity to take pictures. As it was like a party on the street, everybody was dressing fantastically and liked being shot a lot, though the temperatue was over 30degree, I enjoyed that day very much.
So let's feel how crazy are the Romans!
First of all, let me present 'Jesus'!
He was so serious of 'blessing' the gay world.
Here came 'Maria'. 'Her' look is so holy that there seems light coming from the tip of her finger.
Everybody was struggling for a good location to see 'Maria'!
'The love is all healthy, but not to the Vatican.' Of course, they won't give up the chance of using rhyme to scold the Vatican.
A group of 'Funky pink' was the focus point of all the cameras in the gay pride.
Look how slim 'she' is.
They were just like movie stars.
'She' is really beautiful.
The confident ones are always pretty.
If they are really gay, I will be the first to say, 'What a pity!'
'She' reminded me of Thailand...
'She' is still too masculine, I think...
Do you agree with the tattoo on 'her' shoulder? But I think 'her' confindence has already won over any discrimination.
So SM...isn't it?
'Little Sweet'.
The group of 'Funky Pink' and the 'Little Sweet'.
It was so hot that I wanted to jump into this fountain in Piazza Della Rupubblica.
A real mermaid coming from the fountain.
Hot, isn't it?
One of them is the owner.
We should also free ourselves from clotes.
A brilliant example of the above slogan.
Love should not discriminate.
'She' was the funniest character in the whole gay pride! Just like the funny version of all those goddness of men's dream.
See how 'she' was enjoying herself.
Such a pair of sexy calves.
'She' is the owner of the sexy calves. I guess, she is at the stage of trasforming.
Um...their female features are too exaggerated! Though I envy them, I don't want to be like them...
Panty superman?
Finally, the parade started amid the surrounding of all those excited participants.
Look at 'her' leg, so sexy!
Even the statue of liberty joined the parade.
All the people joined the parade actively.
'We are all sons of the Father'.
You will not think 'she' is not a woman.
Another beautiful 'lady' actively seeked for the attention of my camera.
'Free all'. There were many homosexual organizations holding banner during the parade.
Behind the cheering gay parade, it came the serious looking military police. They totally tensed the atomsphere.
Carabinieri, means the military police in Italy. It is not the same as Police.