The embargo from the US makes the people here take extra good care of their cars, most of the cars here have been running for at least 50 years.
Seems like the princes are waiting for their princesses in the cars.
The fancy taxi which I definitely to get on.
The image of such a old car and old house is so unreal.
They also have old style motorbike.
On Obispo street, you can find the best perserved colonial buildings.
The colours used on the building can only be imaged in fairy tales.
Horse ride for the tourists.
A nice restaurant situated in the corridor.
A fusion of the 1950s old car and hundrens years old colonial archtecture.
Another fusion.
The huge Capitolio Nacional is a landmark in centro La Havana.
The equaly huge statue is overlooking Paseo de Marti from Capitolio.
Catedral de San Cristobal de La Havana, with two unequal towers.
The beautiful building besides the Catedral.
The elegrant Gran Teatro.
Subsided in the atmosphere of 16th century.
But outside the main touristic area, you can find many buildings are lack of perservation.
The deteriorating colonial buildings.
The fading colour is much more impressive than it would be bright.
The interesting half-renovated building.
This one seems to going to collapse.
Old but beautiful.
Street scene.
Outside the La Havana Vieja district, the city is more modern and you can find the propaganda of the government everywhere.
2009 is the 50th anniversary of Cuba´s revolution.
Che's image on the wall of a hotel.
Plaza de la Revolucion with the status of Marti, where Castro always held its assembly.
Hotel Nacional, signifies the conflict between US and the pre-Castro government.
Fantastic view inside the hostel across Malecon.
A nice cafe inside the hotel.
A fabulous old music machine.
The May in Cuba is getting hotter and hotter, a stroll along the windy Avenue Malecon can help to escape from the heat inside the city.
One day, it was espcially windy, my hat was almost flying away and no one could see my face because of my flying hair.
But it was a good chance for the teenage here to have fun for the whole afternoon.
The wave catchers on Avenue Malecon.
When the wind was calm, it was a much nice stroll.
Avenue Malecon with all the old colonial archtectures and the ocean.
Instead of catching the wave, the Cuban people went fishing by Malecon.
Sunset in La Havana.