After dancing Salsa with Wei(he is really a good dancer, with so many practice per day), he has left for Lima, Peru. Then on the next day, Yaseen arrived Banos.
Orginally, I didn't want to do cycling again, as Yaseen really wanted to do it, so we cycled again, but this time we chose another route. We cycled to the west to the zoo, along the way to the zoo, the view is also fantastic.
We could overlook a deep rocky canyon where underneath was the Rio Pastaza.
As my guide book recommends the zoo, so we paid 1.5USD for entrance. There were really lots of animals in the zoo, including puma, condor, spider monkey, bear and many tropical birds. When I was there, I really felt sorry for the animals, they should be in the jungle instead. Especially when I saw the puma keep walking around in the small area and he seemed so bored.
Puma in the cage.
The animals might feel the same, so when we bypassed the cage for the monkeys, they were ready to take a revenge. Some educatorians were too kind and they wanted to show their friendliness, so they wanted to shake their hands with the monkeys without realizing that it was a very dangerous move.
At first, when the women gave out their hands, the monkey seemed normal and really shaking their hands. But when the little girls wanted to do the same, the monkey just grab their hands and bited them. The first girl was lucky enough to escape without being hurted by the monkey. But the second girl still did the same, within a second, the monkey really bited a little piece out of her finger!
Though the girl bleed a lot and cried a lot, it was still lucky that she was able to pull out her finger out of the mouth of the monkey. I hope she would not get a rabies.
Later I found that I took a picture of how the 'crime' happened.
The angry monkey in the cage.
Other types of monkeys were permitted to jump around freely in the zoo.
After we left the zoo, orginally we wanted to climb the Las Antenas which could give a nice view of the Volcan Tungurahua. But then we bypassed the San Francisco bridge and found there was a group of people going to bungee jump. So we stopped and watch for that.
The bridge was really high, almost 130m down to the river, much more scary than the puenting I saw in the small bridge. So this one was also more expensive, 20-25USD for each jump, and the smaller bridge costed 15USD per jump. Though the people said it was much cheaper than in Australia or New Zealand (maybe costs at least 100USD), I still thought it was not worth for jumping and risking myself for the 'thin' ropes.
Looking down from Puente San Frabcisco.
But watching others do the bungee jumping was really exciting, some people took ages to jump, some girls screamed a lot even before they jump and boys said it hurted somewhere a lot when they jump.
The girl finally jumped with the push of the guide.
Many people were encouraging the boy to jump.
Then my friend, Yaseen was tempted to jump, but he could not decided to do it on the same day. Finally he did it after 2days. Glad that he is still alive now! As he said, he felt like he was going to suicide.
Yaseen was calling someone before he did the bungee jump!(Just like the advertisement, haha)