Way to the Parque Condor.
On Friday, after my class, we wanted to walk to the Parque Condor, a natural park near Otavalo. On contrary to the sunny weather in the morning, as we started walking, the weather started to turn bad. Besides no more blue sky, it started to rain.
An abandaned railway in Otavalo.
As we had our jackets, and the rain was not so big, we were still able to walk up to the hill. Unless sometimes the rain was really big, we had to wait under the roof of the house in the village.
But before it rained, the view of the village and the forest was really fantastic. The cattles scattered on the green and yellow farmland, with the volcano behind, it reminded me some kind of scenic view in rural area of China. And the people in this village are even much more friendly than in Otavalo. Whenever they saw us, the children, the women or the men would always say 'Hola' and smiled to us.
Nice view of the surrounding mountain.
After 2 hours of trekking, we finally arrived the Parque Condor, but it was going to close! So had to leave without entering the park. Although it was a pity, but we were already satisfied with the wonderful view we had before our arrival.
A quiet life.
Then we went to search for the El Lechero which was mentioned in the book. El Lechero was mentioned as a very special tree and the path to the tree is very scenic and recommended. Although we didn't know how the tree look like and where was it(the book didn't mention), as we had time, so we started searching it.
After going into the wrong path and asking the local people, we started to get into the right path. But then one horrible thing happened.
When we were heading to the tree, we bypassed a village. Then there were 2 little dogs bumping out from the house, at first we think they were just welcoming us, as the dogs in Ecuador were always so nice and friendly. But then we found the dogs were barking and running towards us crazily. Within a second, they were already at the feet of us.
Suddenly, my friend jumped backwards, I thought he was going to run away. And there was a shouting from the woman who was the owner of the dogs, then the dogs went back to their home. I thought we were finally safe, but my friend showed me he was bitten by the dog!
Luckily, he was wearing jeans, so the wound was not so big. But it really scared me a lot and hope he wouldn't have any health problem later.
Finally, in the middle of the mist, we were able to find El Lechero. Though I don't know what power the tree had, it really looked so special and the textile of it was very soft. The clouds behind even made it more mysterious.
El Lechero - thanks for the cloudy weather, which makes it more mysterious.
After making a wish (though don't know if it is useful...), as it was quite late, we decided not going to the Lake of San Pablo and started to return to the city center .
To my surprise, though it was dark, and we couldn't know where was waiting in front of us (especially crazy dogs again!), we encounted the beauty of this little village. At first, I saw something twinkling, I thought it was my illusion or something unknown. Then my friend said he also saw that, so I know they were insects but not ghosts.
Though it was totally dark in our path, there were hundreds of twinkling 'stars' surrounding us! What an amazing view! I hope this beauty can last forever.