
The travel within: 印度小故事──Devapriya

Aligning with the world, the chef in the happy kitchen

Devapriya, 29, USA

Devapriya於二十一歲時便已成為了一名RenunciateDevapriya had become a renunciate when she was 21.
Although Shakti doesn’t consider being a resident in the ashram, the chef in the Western canteen, Devapriya, 29, from the US had long renunciated everything in the world at the age of 21 and lived in the ashram since she was 18.

Ever since I came to the ashram for the first time in 2009, I had a strong impression of Devapriya. Being the leading dancer in the Christmas opera, Gospel. I still remember very well of her skillful and elegant steps and turns on the stage.  She also had this piercing, focused look. She reminded me of water too. Her eyes. 
Devapriya曾於Ashram的聖誕歌劇Gospel裡演出。Devapriya had once played a role in the Christmas opera, Gospel.
自小習舞的Devapriya可算是Ashram裡所有舞蹈表演的主要排舞師。Devapriya started to learn dancing since she was young, so she is basically the main choreographer.

Ashram裡的Renunciates、住客和訪客也會一同參與Ashram歌劇的表演。The renunciates, residents and visitors in the ashram all participated in the opera performed in the ashram.
She invited me to her room at the top floor of the temple to do the interview. As I had never been to the female renunciate quarters before, making one wrong turn after another I was lost in this maze. When I finally located her room, I had already been late by 15minutes.  As I repeatedly apologized to her, I realized how small and bare this room was.   I also found that there were two renunciates living in this smaller than 100 sq feet room! However, it did dawn on me that in order to be a renunciate, one has to live a simple life, slowly slowly and steadfastly cutting off one's ties with the world.

The thing which interested me most was why Devapriya decided to stay in the ashram at such a young age. After hearing my question, with a gentle but determined look, she smiled at me and started to tell me the funny story about how she met Amma when she was 12, ‘My mother had already known Amma for one year, so she decided to bring me to the retreat in Seattle to see Amma. Regardless of my opposition, my mother insisted that I come, however, and I ended up spending the entire car ride to Seattle crying and kicking the back of my mother’s seat.’

她莞爾道:「到達那靜修營後,我已經平靜下來。我從遠處觀看著Amma輪流擁抱著每一個人,心想:『嗯,她似乎是一個友善的女士……還有點點像聖誕老人。』當Amma對我微笑並給予我兩顆Hershey’s kisses朱古力時,我決定她正常的表現已符合我的標準。」
She added with a smile, ‘Upon arriving at the retreat site, however, I calmed down and began to observe Amma from afar. “She seemed like a nice enough lady… kind of like Santa Claus.” When Amma smiled at me and gave me two Hershey’s kisses, I decided that she was normal enough to pass even my standards.’

Hereafter, Devapriya read the biography of Amma and aquainted herself with her life. She slowly began to see how much she was doing to help others in the world. So by the time Amma came to America in November, she was more than happy to see her again. She described this unforgettable experience, ‘When I was just a few feet away from my own hug, an elderly woman was brought to Amma from the side. As soon as I saw the woman, I immediately connected her to the victims from my own nightmares. She had the same appearance I would expect from a concentration-camp survivor. Thin and frail, she needed several people to help her shaking body into Amma’s arms. As soon as Amma saw her, she began to pour love onto the woman: stroking her arms, rubbing her chest, caressing her hair, the woman began weeping and murmuring to Amma. When Amma finally turned to hug the next person, the woman caught hold of Amma’s sari and refused to let it go.’

Although Devapriya was only 12, witnessing this entire scene, she burst into tears. In that moment she realized that Amma was someone who could truly heal such wounds. A few minutes later, when she received her own hug, and with equal love, Amma wiped away Devapriya’s tears just as she had the elderly woman’s.

從此而後,Devapriya的生命已變得不一樣。她說:「此次經歷之前,我也只不過是一個普通的,關心的只是逛街購物、朋友、學校和化妝等。可是慢慢地Amma的照片便取代了李安納度迪卡比奧的海報;AmmaBhajans亦取代了Backstreet Boys的流行曲。」她亦開始時常心唸Mantra經文或祈禱文)及於睡前打坐。
From that point on, Devapriya had a transformation. She said, ‘Before this experience, I was just a usual teenager who only cared about shopping, friends, schools and make up etc. Gradually, Amma’s photos replaced the posters of Leonardo Dicaprio on my wall, my music changed from “Backstreet Boys” to bhajans.’ She then also started to chant her mantra and do meditation before bed.

Naturally after high school graduation, Devapriya moved to the ashram in India and she became a renunciate after three years.

What kind of transformation did she get on her spiritual journey after these 10 years of ashram’s life? She thought deeply and said, ‘First, we came to the ashram because we wanted to get love from Amma. But gradually, I become wanting to be like her, follow her example, and thinking of other people first. Ashram is like a training of my inner strength. I would like to help the charitable projects here. While I am doing Seva, I try to develop qualities like compassion, give more about myself, and to remove the suffering of the world.’

There are certainly lots of challenges in the ashram, Devapriya said at first she thought of herself as a nice, patient, disciplined and humble person. But once she started to live in the ashram, all her negativities were effortlessly pouring out, she said, ‘Meditation made me more restless; prayers reduced my devotion; working with others made me lazier, more impatient and more restless.’

She recalled an incident when she was working in the kitchen a few years ago, ‘One day in December while working in the kitchen, everything seemed to go wrong. I started out by getting into a huge argument with the veggie choppers. I then tried to cook rice noodles for the very first time, but ran out of both time and oil and it became like “Mashed potatoes”. Everyone else seemed to feel the same way, for as I looked around the kitchen, I saw several arguments going on simultaneously. At 10:30pm, I sat down, exhausted. I was fed up and so irritated, “Why people had to eat so much food!” In my mind, I was barely even aware that I was in Amma’s ashram. I only saw the kitchen as a place of duty, and the cooking as a difficult job.
由於Ashram住客和訪客眾多,因此Devapriya每日煮的也是「大穫飯」。As there are many residents and visitors in the ashram, so Devapriay has to cook a very big pot of food everyday.

身為西餐廳的總廚,Devapriya經常需要與切菜者合作。As a chef in the Western canteen, Devapriay always has to work with veggie choppers.

Suddenly, someone shouted, “Amma!” In fact, Amma had left her room to visit someone in the hospital, and on her way back, stopped in the kitchen. I looked up and saw Amma standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She walked inside, smiled at everyone, and began to look around. On the table there was a bowl of peanuts, so Amma grabbed a handful, teased a few people, and then walked out the other door.

In that brief moment, everything inside the kitchen changed. The people who had been fighting just a moment before began laughing and talking excitedly, sharing the remaining peanuts with each other. My gratitude caused me to remember that, ‘I was living with Amma, and feeding her children from all over the world.’ The next day she felt so much energy and enthusiasm while cooking, and continually reflected that although externally the situation was exactly the same, in that brief moment Amma had helped her shift her inner attitude.

DevapriyaAshram裡學懂裡以愛烹調。Devapriya learnt to cook with love in the ashram.

Some people may hold an attitude that being a renunciate is selfish, because they only care about their own spiritual practices and progress. On the contrary, Devapriya replied, ‘Amma says, if a person do their practices and advance, they have already benefited the world. Moreover, Amma taught us that we should not only care about our own spiritual practices, we should also face the world, work hard like everyone outside the ashram, so as to serve the world.’

Devapriya Chaitanya同樣也是Ashram裡的Renunciates,她負責西餐廳,後者則負責西式café Devapriya and Chaitanya are both renunicates in the ashram, while she responsibles for the Western canteen, Chaitanya responsible for the Westen café.

There are people living in a spiritual community, but behaving quite contrary to the essence of spirituality; there are also people living in the world, but practicing love and compassion with people around them. Actually, living in or out of the world doesn’t matter, but wherever we are,  our hearts should turn towards the supreme, that eternal flame of truth and love.

Amma曾著Devapriya在美國的擁抱大會中演講,讓她與所有人分享修行的經驗。Amma sometimes asked Devapriya to deliver speeches in hugging programs in the US, so as to share her experiences in spirituality.
