Besides Arequipa, the city itself which I have fallen in love with, the elegant Santa Catalina Convent is also one of my favourite. Thanks for my friend, Ursina´s recommendation, I am so glad that I had visited it.
Santa Catalina is situated three blocks away from the beautiful Plaza de Armas and it is over 2ha in total. So it took me almost the whole afternoon to see all the loving architectures and decorations inside.
Santa Catalina accomondates the nuns who decide to devote themselves to the God for four centuries. And it was always in the veil until 1970 they opened it to the public so as to earn some money to maintain the convent(I think).
The courtyard of silence...actually, in this beautiful setting, I found myself couldn't speak a word.
The mild blue is a perfect match with the buttressed ceiling and the painting on the wall.
Even the not yet refurbished part is adorable.
A quiet 'meditation cave' for me.
Corridor as pure as Angel.
Amid the mild breeze, I could watch this 'picutre' for ages and wouldn't feel bored.
There is a beautiful volcano situated as a backdrop of the Convent.
I admire every detail here.
An orange cross can also be lovely.
The nuns are using this system to wash their clothes.
Lives in the Convent can be very simple.
The main fountain squre.
A quiet and lovely afternoon, maybe I can spend my whole life here?