Just about 45mins away from Trujillo, lies the nearly desert like area and a few spectecular rocky mountains. Nearby, there are two historical ruins Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna(which mean Temple of the Sun and Temple of the Moon), both represent the Mochica culture which was blooming around the era of 200-1100AD (Inca was developed around the age of 1200-1532AD).
One of the spectecular rocky mountains, the White mountain.
As the two sites was just discovered in the 1990s, archeologists are still working on reveiling the complete truth of the ruins. Because only Huaca de la Luna has been received donations from big enterprise for the archeological works, but not Huaca del Sol, so the latter is not open to the public. But we could still see this fascinating pyramids standing amid the desert.
The beautiful Huaca del Sol.
Why I said Huaca de la Luna was still alive? As the archeological works are still going on in the ruin, lots of mysteries are still unsolved. And I was so excited to hear from the guide that more and more parts of the mysteries were discoved every day, month or year.
Just like the American tourist said, she had been here 7years ago, but when she came here again this time, she found the site has been changed completely and she would expect more changes to come.
Archeological works are still carring on here. You can see the tools besides the ruin.
The front door of Huaca de la Luna.
The colourful and fascinating paintings inside the ruin. I was surprised by how vivid the colour is.
How cute are the stones!
The guide explained that there should be 5 or 6 layers of temples, each represents different era. The ancient people would just build a bigger temple outside the original temple, so the whole temple would just become bigger and bigger.
You can see inside the outer layer, there is another level of pyramid.
The newest layer of the temple complex. The upper block is motifs of "felines" holding decapitated heads of warriors. The lower block is motifs of "fishermen" holding fish.