After breakfast, especially the tea of hoja de coca which could help alleviate the problem of high altitude sickness. We were ready to set off.
Quiet morning in our camp site.
Our group had seven people, one Australis, one UK, two Nea Zealand, two Isaral, one Japanese and one HK. As the speed of every individuals in our group was so varied (some trekked super fast, some trekked slowly), so most of the time, I spent time trekking with the other group (as we were all on the same route) and had a fun time together. They also had seven people, four from the States, one from Sweden, one from Germany and one from Swiss.
Our hardworking and lovely donkeys.
The super scenic view along the route.
The little white and yellow flower is called manzanilla is one of my favourite tea in Peru.
After a few hours of uphill trekking, we took a snack break with a backdrop of these incredible snow mountains.
The trekking guide of the other group with the snow mountains.
The scenery was occacionally dotted by beautiful lakes.
After about 4 hours of trekking uphill, we finally made it to the higest pass, Punta Union(4750m). And we had a wonderful 360 degree of all the snow mountains embracing us.
Maybe I have already trained up by all the trekking in Ecuador, so the trek was not as exhausting as I thought orginally.
The jewel-like mineral lake appeared once we had crossed the highest pass.
Thanks for the supreme weather, I had my most fantastic lunch here. Although they were just dry bread with cheese and apple.
After the pass, we suddenly heard a thundering sound behind the snow mountains. And we knew later it was the sliding down of some huge glaciers. Amid the nature, espcially in front of such an enormous landscape, I always feel human beings are just like dusta which no one will even bother to pay attention on.
In the afternoon, the weather started to turn cloudy. Luckily, we had walked fast enough to catch the wonderful scenery of the peaks. Then, we continued our path downhill and after about 3 more hours of trekking, we arrived the camp site.
1 則留言:
This place is really breathtaking, it's comparable to the south island of New Zealand.