
Studying in Otavalo

As it was getting boring to study in Quito, so I tried to change to study in Otavalo. The school is called Mundo Andino, as recommended by the Lonely Planet, I think it should be ok. But comparing with my school in Quito, it is just so so. As there are not so many students here, to my surprise, I am the only student here on the first day, and then the second day, my friend whom I know in Quito, started his lesson, so there are only 2 students (They said there are more students coming in the following week). It is really quite boring during the break, as there are only a few people.

And my school in Quito also provides some exercise books for the student which the school here doesn't provide. The teachers in Quito also have better preparation before the classes. But here the classes seems not so organized.

However, I will study one more week here. Why? On contrary to the home stay family in Quito, I love the family here. Finally, I have my luck with me. The family here has 2 sons, one is 11 years old, the other is 14 years old, and there is also the grandmom here. They are all so nice, especically the grandmom, she is so nice and funny and talkactive. Whenever I see her, I will always give her a big hug or kiss.

And the house of this family is so comfortable and big, I think they are rich compared with other Ecuadorean families. And the house is as big as the house in the mid-level in HK, and it's decorated so beautifully.

What's more is I like the region of Otavalo, it's such a small city with so many friendly indigenous people. I can even walk alone at night without worrying being robbed, which is the thing I can never do in Quito. And the region around here is very interesting and beautiful.

Therefore, although the school in Quito is a little bit better, because of the family, I decided to stay one more week here.

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

你的blog好好睇。我想問下你之前去Quito學spanish有冇through EF? 定係你去到先再搵local sch?因為之前都有o係外國學spanish的人話要試下上1-2weeks course睇下個老師好唔好先至決定繼續報落去,但ef的學校就會一次過報曬幾個月,冇得試. 我想問下你的意見. thanks.

chanchan0903@hotmail.com (email)